The Tactical Pistol 2 (201) is a 2-day intermediate pistol course designed to equip the modern gunfighter with shooting skills necessary for close range defensive settings. In this intermediate pistol course, students learn the essential pistol skills from 0 to 25 yards. Close range shooting will focus on speed, while distance shooting will focus on accuracy. Students regularly face challenging drills under pressure to evaluate knowledge and application. Subjects covered include combat marksmanship, holster drawstroke, gun handling and multiple threats. A major class objective for Tactical Pistol 2 is a rapid drawstroke to deliver accurate fire at close ranges, measured against time and accuracy standards. Additional subjects include shooter diagnostics, movement, strong hand only and ammunition management.
*Students are welcome to use RDS equipped pistols, but must ensure they are properly zeroed. Recommended zero distance is 25 yards for optimal performance, but regardless students must know their impacts at ranges from 0-25 yards.