Proper attire is required of all Members and guests of Staccato Ranch Texas, LLC (“SRTX”). This includes wearing closed-toed shoes (no flip-flops, clogs, or sandals), shirts must be worn (no tank- top shirts), and no clothing with offensive words or depictions. Tattoos including profanity or nudity must be covered.
Members and their guests must avoid the use of offensive, derogatory, or discriminatory language or actions.
Members and their guests may not be intoxicated/visibly under the influence of alcohol or drugs while present at the Ranch.
Any Members or their guests who chose to consume any alcoholic beverages at the Ranch will not be permitted to use the Range for the remainder of that day. All shooting activities must be completed before consuming any alcoholic beverages.
Any disputes that arise between Members and guests must be brought to the attention of employees of Staccato Ranch Texas, LLC for resolution. Arguments and other confrontations between Members and their guests are strictly forbidden.
Employees of SRTX have sole discretion to determine whether Members or their guests have violated these Rules of Etiquette. Members and their guests must comply with the directions of SRTX, including leaving the premises if directed to so. Any failure to comply with the directions provided employees of SRTX may result in revocation of membership.
Baseball style hats or other hats with brims are recommended when shooting to deflect ejected cases from the face area.
Respect the Range: Please place your trash into the trash receptacles.
Respect Others: There is a one-hour time limit for use of the range if other members are waiting. Please drive the golf carts responsibly and safely.
Please keep your firearms in your possession at all times. Do not leave your firearms unattended.
Members are responsible for the actions and behavior of the guests they choose to bring to the ranch and violations of the above etiquette rules by guests may be attributed to the Member who brought them.