Location: Staccato Ranch, 1223 Co Rd 233, Florence TX 76527
Time: 9am-5pm
Cost: $650
This optics-based course is a combination and an evolution of the previous action pistol and LE pistol courses taught by CTT-Solutions.
The curriculum puts a premium on proven shooting, and movement techniques, and employs applicable drills to demonstrate and refine those skills. It is a movement-based course so nearly all the shooting will be executed with a minimum of 90° turns and most drills will involve multiple movement and setup stages.
The gun handling and marksmanship requirements will be challenging, by using timers, distance, target availability and movement to exercise, explore and refine high performance shooting skills. It is sport shooting based and since combative shooting and sport shooting are essentially the same skillsets, just with different applications, the LE/civilian blend makes it even more beneficial for both LE and civilians attending.
At specified times during the course, you will be highly encouraged to go at an exploratory pace to see your true capabilities, at true maximum speed. That concept will be explained in detail and demonstrated.
Student requirements:
Intermediate to advanced level of skill. Load, reload, malfunctions and moving with a firearm safely are a must.
·       Minimum 1000 rds. of ammunition
·       Belt mounted holster and at least 2 magazine pouches.
·  Minimum of four 15+ capacity magazines, 8, less than 15 rd. magazines
·       Oil and any necessary weapons maintenance equipment.
·       Electronic hearing protection
·       Clear and tinted eye protection
·       Clothing suitable for the weather